2024 Manager’s Conference: Engagement Between Our People

Welcome back! One of the great benefits of conferences is getting people who don’t normally see each other into the same room. The creative possibilities are endless!

On the theme of “People First: What’s Important is You,” the People Department organised activities to get managers talking and thinking about how leading their shops to success.

The first was Team Up team building on Tuesday afternoon. These activities emphasise creativity – they’re a mix of the serious and the silly! But they all challenge us to think outside the box and find new solutions – while having fun and getting to know other managers!

The second big activity was a leadership session on Wednesday morning by motivational speaker Denis Gianoutsos. Denis challenged us to think on our feet as great leaders must. He assigned tasks such as using a piece of paper to “get your feet off the ground.” Simple – stand on the paper. But what happens when that resource starts to disappear? Then what can we do to achieve our goal?

Who can adapt as the environment changes? Watch to the end to see how some staff respond flexibly, and some struggle to cope with the changing reality!

Think! If the task is simply to “get your feet off the ground” – who needs paper? Why not jump? The need for paper is only in our own minds!

Apart from the formal programme, of course there’s always lots of informal engagement. The beautiful garden setting – and BBQ lunch on day 2 – were perfect for hanging out, throwing around ideas and learning from each other.

In our next article, we’ll be hearing more from our people. But for now, enjoy the photo gallery!

Bombay bento manager Akiko-san, head office IT (and former Bombay) team member Hugh, and Bombay partner Tony catch up in the courtyard

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